You can tell a great business culture when you walk in the door | Leadership Development Blog

The secret to cultivating a great business culture is transformational leadership. As a leader, when you invest in leadership training, your employees are left feeling valued and connected with what the organisation is working towards. This empowers them to go on your journey with you since they’re aware of the important role they play in the overall direction of your business.

Research shows that leaders who are articulate and engaged with their employees have a positive impact on their well-being.

Leaders must be trailblazers in bringing about change, which forces people to step out of their comfort zone. Businesses must not only practise change but cascade it from the top to transform cultures.

The effects of transformational leadership cannot be minimised, and leaders must be at the forefront of change and pave the way for cultures with high growth and high trust mindsets.

Learn more about the impact of transformational leadership in this insightful post by Kerene Strochnetter.